Jug Jug Jiyo
Jug Jug Jiyo is the story of the lives of two childhood friends, widows for all appearances, living and sharing a small house in a small town. Samyukta and Simran. Samyukta runs a morgue, and Simran runs her son’s life. Samyukta’s daughter Sia and Simran’s son Siraj, childhood sweethearts, in a live-in relationship unknown to their mothers, are visiting their mothers from Mumbai on the night the play opens. As the night unfolds, one small confrontation between Sia and Siraj starts unravelling the lives of the two women across the last four decades, and soon only the shards of broken relationships litter the stage. When it seems as if there is no resolution to this devastation, love, and hope raise their tiny heads tentatively, and invite trust back into the fold. Jug Jug Jiyo, is a story that unfolds over one night and unravels dark secrets hidden for over three decades. Jug Jug Jiyo is a story that shapes the future for all unborn girls; a story about decisions taken by these two women in the past, and in the present.
A ‘Stage For Change’ production by SBOX / Sakshi
Written & Directed by: Smita Bharti
Produced by: Smita Bharti & Natashja Rathore
Cast : Dolly Ahluwalia, Mita Vashisht, Amit Dolawaat, Ankita Bhargava